Watch TVR News online This is an online TV channel broadcast from Romania. You can watch online this channel on all platforms.

Get breaking Romania and world news or catch up with the latest stories, clips, and programs from your favorite shows. The “TVR International” brings you breaking news coverage and live streaming from TVR International live will help you stay up to date on the events shaping on around the world.

Televiziunea Română (TVR / Romanian Television) is the national public television broadcaster of Romania, headquartered in Bucharest (București). It operates six television channnels: TVR 1, TVR 2, TVR 3, TVR International (TVRi), TVR Moldova, TVR Cluj, TVR Craiova, TVR Iași, TVR Timișoara, and TVR Târgu-Mureș.
The live streams and recorded videos can be viewed via its streaming website TVR Plus (sometimes off the air)
