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This is an online TV channel broadcast from the United States. You can watch this channel online on all platforms.
Watch Logos TV live from the United States.
Get breaking the United States and world news or catch up with the latest stories, clips, and programs from your favorite shows. The “Logos TV” brings you breaking news coverage, and live streaming from Logos TV will help you stay up to date on the events shaping around the world.
According to the Orthodox faith, logos Channel is a Coptic Orthodox channel whose mission is the evangelization of the good God, the Lord Jesus Christ.
It takes care of the needs of the people in Egypt, the Diaspora, and any place, and helps those who join the church in getting to know the church and the Orthodox education, and we also defend the oppressed and the oppressed. Logos TV is broadcast from Los Angeles, California. Bishop Aziz founded it in 2010.
قناة لوجوس هي قناة قبطية أرثوذكيسة رسالتها الكرازة لالهنا الصالح الرب يسوع المسيح حسب الايمان الأرثوذكسي, و عمل القناة يدور حول محاور أريعة هي الكرازة, التعليم, الشفاء, و الدفاع عن المظلومين و المضطهدين. وتبث لوجوس تي في من لوس انجلوس كاليفورنيا. وقد أسسها القمص بيشوي عزيز في ٢٠١٠.