Manorama News (also known as MM TV) is a Malayalam language news channel owned and operated by Malayala Manorama. The channel, based at Aroor Alleppey, was launched on 17 August 2006, which coincided with the Malayalam New Year.1 The channel was launched with the assistance of media consulting company Mediaguru Consultants Pvt. Ltd. The thirty-minute simultaneous newscast of regional news, Nattuvartha, from three regions of Kerala, viz. Malabar region, Kochi Region and Travancore region was done for the first time in the countrycitation needed. Johny Lukose is the News Director and he also anchors a programme “Nere Chove”. Romy Mathew and Pramod Raman are the Coordinating Editors of the channel and heads the input and output functions respectively. manorama news live, manorama news english, manorama news latest, manorama news tv, manorama news breaking, manorama news channel, manorama global news, manorama news in english, manorama news in malayalam, manorama news malayalam live, manorama news malayalam today, manorama news news live, manorama news online, manorama news online live, manorama news online english, manorama news today live, manorama news youtube, manorama news yesterday, manorama news youtube live, manorama news youtube today, manorama news live latest, manorama news live english, manorama news live breaking news, manorama live breaking news today, manorama live breaking news english, manorama news live channel, manorama news live cricket, manorama news, manorama news english live today Tag: